Equity and Integration is Our Vision

REDIT develops a digital second language learning game for immigrant integration


Equity and Integration is Our Vision

REDIT develops a digital second language learning game for immigrant integration


Equity and Integration is Our Vision

REDIT develops a digital second language learning game for immigrant integration


Equity and Integration is Our Vision

REDIT develops a digital second language learning game for immigrant integration


Language is a gatekeeper. Acquire it and it opens every door into a culture.

– Emmanuel Acquah, project leader

Project REDIT

In Finland, the number of students with an immigrant background is increasing and learning the language of the host country enables successful integration into society. Communicating with peers and teachers, learning in integrated classrooms, having greater choice regarding (higher) education and work and understanding their rights in society, are some examples of opportunities that good second language learning contributes to. According to the Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), however, less than one in three immigrants in Finland has an advanced level of Finnish or Swedish. To meet the needs of newly arrived students in Finland and support the learning of Swedish and Finnish, the REDIT project develops the digital language learning game Sprok through a user-centered design process. View our first demo (SPROK trailer) by Novia UAS. 


He who knows no foreign languages knows nothing of his own.

– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe